ALIF offers intensive Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Colloquial Moroccan Arabic (CMA/darija) courses throughout the year. To ensure that every student gets individual attention, all ALIF courses are kept small, generally no more than ten students per class. In the summer there may be up to twelve students per class. Individual courses run for three or six weeks. These can be combined to create 9-week, 12-week terms, or 18-week terms. Students can also opt to stay for the entire academic year, completing five 6-week courses.

15 hours of instruction is 1 credit hour. Our 6-week, 120-hour course is the equivalent of 8 US credits or 16 ECTS.

The language of instruction is Arabic in all but the most elementary courses, where the use of English is kept to a minimum.

The core textbooks for regular six-week MSA courses are Alif Baa (3rd edition) & Al-Kitaab fii Ta'allum al-'Arabiyya, Volumes I and II (3rd edition), and III (2nd edition, Georgetown University Press). All course materials for CMA are ALIF publications.